Monday, 19 December 2011


Ask yourself a question. Do you think?

Obviously, I hear you say.

Okay now ask yourself if you think positively?

90% say aye.

Cool, now ask if you think progressively? constructively?

Hunh??What’s that??

Thinking positively is a must yes, but it isn't the whole picture. Thinking progressively/constructively is what matters.

So let’s first get the basics right. Why do we think???

When there is a problem, we need to think up a solution to the problem. Basically all our reasons for thinking boil down to seeking answers to our problems.

Then may it be that we think for our future (problem=future insecurities)

Or maybe for finding the perfect gift (problem=difficult-to-please girlfriend)

Or maybe for stringing together two full meals (BIG problem=money)

Every-time, we think to solve.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

So we think to solve. But do we always think towards the solution?

Yeah people, that’s the question. We know the problem, but we ain’t looking for the solution always. We humans have an uncanny knack of complicating things. So here are a few stupid errors while thinking, and their solutions, not to be overlooked for any of us:

1. Color-Blindness:- Sometimes we look at a problem in a certain light and then forget that we have an entire rainbow of colors still left to view from. Use your different perspectives guys; tackle the problem from another side.

2. Enemy-mode: - “You are wrong, hence I am right.” We go guns blazing if our arch rival thinks differently. Be cool, he might actually be correct for once.

3. Spectacles: - Short-sightedness; short term solutions, can screw up your future big time; so give your problem a long-term solution

4. Hum to bhai aise hain, aise rahein ge : - Once a fool, always a fool. Every problem cannot possibly have the same tried and rusted solution. So rustle up and jog your greys for a new and innovative solution

5. Herd –mentality : - Yea, well this one needs no explanation; just stay away from the masses

6. Circle of pain :- The last and worst one. A vicious whirlpool of mindless, endless, non-conclusive thinking that does not let you sleep properly, yet living a dream when awake. Depression causing, stay as far away from this one as possible. How to get out of it:

Take a paper, write it, tear it, chuck it, forget it.

So follow these simple rules, and voila, you will be on your way to successful problem-solving and decision-making.

Happy thinking. J

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage one’s own emotions and relate well with others.
It is a crucial factor throughout our lives.

Emotional Intelligence is composed of four parts: To perceive or sense emotions, To use emotions to assist thought, To understand emotions, To manage emotions.

To develop Emotional Intelligence we should develop skills to achieve a happy and successful life. In every field E.I is 2 times as important as cognitive abilities. E.I is not however, just about scores and results. It’s about our ability to understand what we’re feeling and manage those feelings so they don’t negatively affect others. It’s also about understanding what is going on in others and using that knowledge to manage situations effectively. It is not about being nice all the time; it’s about being honest. It’s not about being touchy but about being aware of our feelings and those of others. It is not about being emotional it’s about being smart with our Emotions.

Unless we learn what makes us its difficult to control our behavior let alone prevent our emotions to control us but once we know ourselves, our strengths, weaknesses our boundaries and breaking points we can develop strategies to prevent unwanted circumstances and situations.

The more we nourish ourselves, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, the optimally healthier we will all be.

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Can you feel them?they talk to you.can you hear their whispers?
Emotions are an amazing thing;you can heed them or ignore them,but you cannot escape them.
And are you an emotional person?
Your pain,your anger,your lust,your hope,your pride,your jealousy,your fear,your love,your greed,your empathy,your respect;do they call out to you?
Yes?Then you are an emotional person.

Emotions are the smallest part of your being that perhaps do not define you as an individual but do define your being a person.

so cry a little when you are hurt
get angry when things dont go your way
fantasize a little about what if?
hope for a better future with more money and happiness(and perhaps a hot wife)
have an attitude that you are the better person
get jealous of that preposterous bitch with the hot guy drooling all over her
run a little fromn the dog that bares his teeth to you
care,trust and understand your loved ones
feel the emotions of others
respect the decisions of others,though you may not like them
laugh a little when your funny-bone is tweaked
laugh a little more (:D)

And when you let your emotions wash over you,you will realise the true meaning of being alive.
Be emotional,for even as the pain bites you,and the love heals you, the laughter will tell you that you breathe,you live.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Career Selection

What Should I Do?
Ever wondered what should i do with my life?How to take the correct decision regarding my career?
Well here's what you ought to do:

  1. Ask yourself: what do you want to do. Everyone has a dream career. Find out yours.
  2. Job or Business: would you rather work for a fixed salary or risk the occasional losses.
  3. Technical or Non-Tech: are you a technical person or a cultural kind.
  4. Introvert or Extrovert: behind the scenes guy or the face of the project.
  5. Ask your peers: what do your well-wishers think you ought to do. What are your strengths and weaknesses.
  6. Take a proficiency test: find out your inclinations towards the various intelligence's.
  7. Educate yourself: find out the various careers available, requirements of each, demands of each career.
  8. Curriculum: read up the syllabus of each course and see if your interests outweigh the uninteresting topics.
  9. Consult: talk to persons in the fields that you shortlist.
  10. Final Hurdle: ask yourself if you will be happy with what you have shortlisted. If the answer is yes,then voila,you have your career path set in front of you and go all out trying to achieve it.

Fascinating Fingerprints

Human body is a complex and mysterious system.

Each sub part of this body has its own secrets and facts. As time progress, we discover new facts and secrets of the human body.

The most fascinating part of the human body is the fingerprints. It is a very intriguing and mysterious part. It is like a ciphered message, hiding all the details about you.
The first milestone in deciphering the fingerprints was the fact that fingerprints are unique for each human being. Uniqueness leads to the ability of fingerprints in helping us to identify, distinguish each individual. Biometrics is used in forensic analysis as well as for authentication processes.

Moving ahead with fingerprints, I was amazed and stunned by realizing that fingerprints could tell us our Innate Intelligence. Innate Intelligence was one of the things very difficult to be determined.
For example, IQ determined by tests is very subjective to test conditions, mood of the person, location and various other factors. While deciphered fingerprints tell you the IQ in the state unaffected by the variable conditions.
The deciphered fingerprints not only tell you the IQ but also EQ (Emotional Quotient), AQ (adversity Quotient) CQ (Creativity Quotient) and all the other multiple intelligence proposed by Howard Gardner.

Technology breakthrough in deciphering fingerprints has made is easy to identify Innate Intelligence.

Identifying ones Innate Intelligence is of vital importance for every aspect of life.