Ask yourself a question. Do you think?
Obviously, I hear you say.
Okay now ask yourself if you think positively?
90% say aye.
Cool, now ask if you think progressively? constructively?
Hunh??What’s that??
Thinking positively is a must yes, but it isn't the whole picture. Thinking progressively/constructively is what matters.
So let’s first get the basics right. Why do we think???
When there is a problem, we need to think up a solution to the problem. Basically all our reasons for thinking boil down to seeking answers to our problems.
Then may it be that we think for our future (problem=future insecurities)
Or maybe for finding the perfect gift (problem=difficult-to-please girlfriend)
Or maybe for stringing together two full meals (BIG problem=money)
Every-time, we think to solve.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein
So we think to solve. But do we always think towards the solution?
Yeah people, that’s the question. We know the problem, but we ain’t looking for the solution always. We humans have an uncanny knack of complicating things. So here are a few stupid errors while thinking, and their solutions, not to be overlooked for any of us:
1. Color-Blindness:- Sometimes we look at a problem in a certain light and then forget that we have an entire rainbow of colors still left to view from. Use your different perspectives guys; tackle the problem from another side.
2. Enemy-mode: - “You are wrong, hence I am right.” We go guns blazing if our arch rival thinks differently. Be cool, he might actually be correct for once.
3. Spectacles: - Short-sightedness; short term solutions, can screw up your future big time; so give your problem a long-term solution
4. Hum to bhai aise hain, aise rahein ge : - Once a fool, always a fool. Every problem cannot possibly have the same tried and rusted solution. So rustle up and jog your greys for a new and innovative solution
5. Herd –mentality : - Yea, well this one needs no explanation; just stay away from the masses
6. Circle of pain :- The last and worst one. A vicious whirlpool of mindless, endless, non-conclusive thinking that does not let you sleep properly, yet living a dream when awake. Depression causing, stay as far away from this one as possible. How to get out of it:
Take a paper, write it, tear it, chuck it, forget it.
So follow these simple rules, and voila, you will be on your way to successful problem-solving and decision-making.
Happy thinking. J