Saturday, 14 April 2012

Learning Methods

Learning Methods

The Chalk, The Walk, The Talk

“The only thing that interferes with my Learning is Education”-Albert Einstein

But then Einstein was crazy right? So how do we really learn? Through books? Through Teachers? Through News? Through National Geographic?

Well I believe we learn through experiences. And books, teachers, news channels and national geographic are just the means of portraying people’s experiences .

And what do experiences teach us? Well I had bloody hell not make that mistake!

So in essence we need to understand how each of us experiences something and through that experience learns something.

Learning methods can broadly be divided into three major categories:

The Chalk-a visual learner

A visual learner is one who learns by seeing. A very graphical person, this guy learns by observing things in front of his eyes.

You’re a Chalker if-

· You use lists to organize your day to day activities

· When spelling, you recognize words by how they look

· You remember faces but forget names

· You learn best by associating pictures with words

· You benefit when visuals are used as part of a lecture(transparencies whiteboard, power-point, films, videos, maps, graphs, charts, posters, etc)

Your strengths -

· Quick inferences; you can relate situations from the past with those of the present commendably

· Imagination is your forte; visuals of what you are thinking will emerge in your inner eye.

What you need to work on-

· Your ability to connect your mind-picture with the real world

· Don’t go overboard with your imaginations

· Don’t hallucinate; déjà vu’s will occur regularly


Don’t throw chalk at your classmates. They may throw it back-with better aim.

Hatke Careers-

1. Psychologist-interpret your patient’s behavior

2. Photographer-no need to explain this one

3. Watchman-LOL

The Walk- a hands-on learner

A hands-on learner is one who learns by doing. A very active person, this guy learns by performing stuff.

You’re a Walker if-

· You benefit from physical activity and in-class demonstrations

· You love going up to the board and solving the sum that the professor has given you. Even if you aren’t too sure about the answer

· Charades, acting, interviewing, pantomiming, skits and role-playing are your forte

· Laboratories, field trips, trial-and-error assignments and fieldwork done outside the classroom promote more interest

Your strengths -

· Successful persons interest you; you learn a lot by interacting with them

· You explain stuff through examples and analogies

· Multiple choice questions are solved by elimination method

What you need to work on-

· Doinig things is good, but don’t go overboard and do something foolish in your eagerness

· Think before doing; classic look before you leap types

· Listening to others advice


Don’t mimic the teacher without knowing her whereabouts. It may lead to assignments galore.

Hatke Careers-

1. Actor-you know you wanna be one

2. Natural Geographic Croc Hunter-for the thrills

3. Postman-LOL

The Talk-an auditory learner

An auditory learner is one who learns by hearing. A very verbal person, this guy learns by listening things in around him.

You’re a Talker if-

· You remember by forming sounds of words

· You find it easy to remember names but forget faces

· You often work out solutions to problems by talking them out

· You need to hear yourself say something to commit it to memory

· Repeating instructions to make sure you understand them

Your strengths -

· Any thoughts once discussed are burned into your memory

· You can remember movie dialogues and quotes easily

· Impromptu responses for any question

What you need to work on-

· Study in groups. Lone study might not help

· While studying by yourself read books out loud

· Attend classes, discussions and tutorials and find a not-taking-study-partner who will be your back up for filling in things you missed in class


Don’t let your girlfriend see you talking to yourself; you may then not have a girlfriend to talk with.

Hatke Careers-

1. Gossip Columnist-spread what you here through the grapevine

2. Rapper-you may be the next akon

3. Street hawker-LOL

(To learn more about yourself, your learning category and real career options, visit IMI- Institute of Multiple Intelligence)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

An idea can change your life

What an Idea Sirji!

To become great, an idea is all it takes.

Any project is like a tree.

The first inkling of an idea is the seed.

The material required to realize it(people,funding,technology) is the water,soil and sunlight for the seed.

The planting of the idea into peoples heads is the firm hold that roots take over the soil.

The manipulation of the idea to make it feasible and conceivable is the growth of the tree.

The first hints of progress are the leaflets that start taking birth.

And once these small victories take place they infuse the entire project with their bursts of oxygen via photosynthesis.

Once the project starts to somewhat take the shape of the original idea,we have the main trunk of the tree.

The various new smaller offshoots of the project-work become the branches to the tree.

And finally when the idea has materialized into a full fledged project,we have our blossoming tree and its success is shown by the freshness of the tree and all the perks of the project are represented by the fruits borne by the tree.

So that's what I feel an idea is........................a seed to bear the fruits of success.

And the entire success story starts with that one little smidgen of an idea which contains within itself a massive opportunity to grow and enthrall and succeed.

All it needs is careful,disciplined and affectionate nurturing.

And as the great Steve Jobs once said:" you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards".

So the success of the tree can only be measured backwards;trust in your idea and have confidence and belief that something,somehow,sometime will work out and you will have your own tree to be proud of!